Phenomenons like Dawanda or Web2.0 make it clear: DIY is crawling out of our recreation rooms and into the spotlight! The variegated development of this renaissance of creating reflects the search for new modes of working and a growing ecological awareness.
How is the social rootedness of do it yourself displayed?
The exhibition “Without Instruction Manuals” will look into exactly this question for concrete practical forms, for their reproduction and transformation.
The exhibition portraits different people that create items. Empathic pictures and vivid quotes offer an insight into their doing and tell a story about what moves and motivates these people. This is complemented by objects, that illustrate the numerous facets of DIY.
The exhibition was curated by Corinna Vosse, with pictures taken by Matthias Finck. It was produced in collaboration with Museum Lichtenberg / Berlin und Community Museum Project / Hong Kong. Sponsors are Stiftungsgemeinschaft anstiftung & ertomis gGmbH / München and the Asia Europe Foundation / Singapore.
After presentation on the ‘School of Design’ in Hong Kong, on the ‘Festival della Creativita’ in Florence and in the museum Lichtenberg in Berlin the exhebition can now be borrowed.
Currently aviable are:
- 10 image carriers with 43×130 cm
- 11 image carriers with 80×55 cm
- 4 Text cubes with 35x40x45 cm
- 15 objects
- For more information: Corinna Vosse, Tel 030 / 27 574 574 or email