Educational Material from different Providers
A collection of links on the topics of ” environmental education” and global learning with a focus on waste prevention and saving resources
[as of: Juni 2016]
Arche Nova
Project days and educational material for teenagers for global learning
BilRess – Bildung für Ressourcenschonung und Ressourceneffizienz
database about projects, internet offers and materials on the topic resources
BOS Borneo Orangutan Survival
education-suitcase on the topic environment protectiont, focusing on paper and palm oil
Bpb – Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
all age groups including lesson materials about political education
Brebit – Brandenburger Entwicklungspolitische Bildungstage
all age groups including educational materials about development politics for rent
Brot für die Welt
materials focusing on global learning
BTE – Bildung trifft Entwicklung
all age groups including didactic materials focusing on global learning
Das Nachhaltigkeitshandbuch
online manual for aprentices in belgium about sustainable development(BNE)
Epiz – Globales Lernen in Berlin
all age groups including lesson materials and project days on global learning
different educational materials on the topic of economic growth for people from the age of 15
Gemeinsam für Afrika
learning material for primary school and secondary schools with a special focus on africa
learning material for secondary schools on the topic of climate protection and corporate responsibility in the sector of IT
Globales Lernen
web portal EWIK Eine Welt Konferenz with detailed database including learning materials on the topic of global learning
Hamburger Bildungsserver
educational server of the city of Hamburg including lesson material on the topic environmental and global learning
Haus der kleinen Forscher
materials and inspiration for kindergarden and primary school on the topic or sustainability
exhibitions for rent and educational material on the topic of global leaning for secondary school
Konzeptwerk neue Ökonomie e.V.
all about the topic post growth
Workshops for all age groups, a DVD and an exhibition for creative learningand a practical contact with used materials
Lehrer Online
lessons on sustainability
educational suitcase on sustainability
lesson material for secondary school on the tpic of sustainability, emen wie wastefulness with food and more
Team Global
Workshops from teenagers for teenagers about global learning
UfU – Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen
lesson material about environmental education, free of charge
Umwelt im Unterricht
lesson material and background information regarding current topics in sustainability
collection of materials with rating for sustainable consumerism for secondary school
Verkehrsclub Deutschland
educational materials on sustainable mobility
Virtuelle Akademie Nachhaltigkeit
video based course (not onyl university students) on environmental development
lesson material about species and nature protection with materials to download